Hi, all.
Is there a way to automatically set anyone who joins a project to ‘commenter’? I have a use case where I need people to access a project (that is public via link to my organization) so that they can ‘like’ certain tasks (for enhancements). However, I don’t want them automatically coming in as editors, etc. So, I was wondering if there is a way to automatically set the permissions to ‘commenter’ of ANYONE who joins the project via the org-wide link. Any thoughts?
But will this then apply to everyone who joins via the organization link automatically?
I have certain members I’ve invited that I manually have set to Commenter, but how will users who have joined via the public (to my org) shared link be added?
I thought the goal was to default to Commenter, and then you can override for others to Editor or Project Admin, but perhaps I’ve misunderstood something.
It’s easy for you to test this yourself with a gmail address to note the exact behavior, so perhaps that would be the most expeditious approach.