Automatically Add Project Members

I am setting up permissions for each project and have our overall team marked as commenters. If someone is a part of a project, they need to be set up as an editor. But when I assign someone to a task in the project, they aren’t automatically added as a member of the group, and therefore don’t have the correct permissions, unless I manually go in and add them as a member of the group. Is there a way to have them automatically added as a member if a task is assigned to them?

Hi @Chantelle_Drury

just to clarify:

by group you mean the team?

@Chantelle_Drury, you are correct that this is the case, and I have added my vote. Just a nudge to ask if the assignee should also be added as a project member could help. I know it happens on a task level with a “Persons” field, where if you add a person, it asks if you also want to add this person as a collaborator to the task.

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When someone is assigned to a task, it would be great if they were either automatically added to the Project Team (as in the image below), or if as Paul Grobler stated a pop up asked if they should be added to the project team.
