My Tasks list jumps after updating date while sorting by due date

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing: WHen viewing the My Tasks list and sorting by due date, if I update the due date on a task, it moves to the new spot in the list but the viewport remains where it is. When I click on another task (the next one I want to update), the viewport then jumps down to where the previous task I edited now sits on the list. I then have to scroll back up to where the new task I’m working on is; minor, but annoying esp. for power users…

Steps to reproduce: Go to My Tasks view. Change the due date on a task due soon to a date far away (so it’ll be low down on the list & out of viewport). Click on a different task. Viewport will jump to the previous (moved) task.

Browser version: Chrome Version 91.0.4472.77 (Official Build) (64-bit)

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Hi @Lars_Dabney, welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:t2:

Could you please try the troubleshooting steps below and let me know if any of these resolve the issue for you?

Looking forward to hearing back from you :slight_smile:

Hi @Lars_Dabney, just checking in to see if you have any updates here :slight_smile:

Hi @Lars_Dabney, as I haven’t heard back from you just yet, I’ve gone ahead and moved this post to the Closed category. Feel free to reach back out if you’re still running into this issue :slight_smile:

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