Can't move tasks up/down when sorting by due date

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing: I can’t move my tasks up/down even thought the hand comes up when I hover over the items I want to move. I am in tasks, sorted by due date and within the same date I wanted to move my tasks in order that I want to do them in without assigning them a time. The hand comes up when hovering but when I try to move it the task goes back to where it was. The tasks within the same day are not sorted alphabetically so I don’t know why I can’t move them around.

Steps to reproduce: Hover left of task, hand shows up, try to move up/down, task goes back to where it originally was.

Browser version: Chrome newest

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If you want to manually arrange tasks, you need to select Sort: None

If you select Sort: Due Date then Asana auto arrange the tasks based on, which was created first.

Check the screenshot below. I created Task 1 before Task 2, hence they are sorted one after the other on the same day.

Let us now add Time to it:

This is what it looks like now (Task 2 is above Task 1)

Note that Sort: Due date also takes Time into Consideration.

Manually sorting cannot be done if you Sort by a particular category.

Hope this helps.

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I’ve started having this same bug since moving over from Chrome to firefox. Not sure if that’s a fluke or not. I get one successful “task drag and move” on the timeline before everything then locks up and I can’t move anything. I then have to refresh the page and I get one more task move again. Sort is set to none at all times.

I can’t reorder my tasks manually either with drag and drop in My Tasks. there is no sort set. There are not due dates. can’t do it on firefox or chrome

To move tasks up and down in a list.
1 Select the task you want to move
2 make sure the hand icon is displayed
3 Select and hold the Windows Icon then use the mouse to drag and drop as you wish.

Above is what worked for me.

We are now able to move tasks around in a section or to another section when using the Sort view.

Welcome, @Michel_Cloward,

I think the OP is still the case; you can’t move tasks when Sort is Due date.



…unless they share the same due date.
(I noticed this fairly recently and could swear it was not previously possible)

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Great! I hadn’t bothered to test again. I just marked your post as the solution. Thanks for finding that.


Thanks @lpb !

I think this feature became possible with the introduction of the Group by button - but I’m just speculating.

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Thank you for clarifying @lpb . I was testing it and thought I had the project sorted by Due Date and was able to move tasks. Now, I can replicate it so either it had the same due date or maybe no due date, or the project wasn’t sorted by Due Date.

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