My Tasks - Not Drag / Drop Sortable

Hello, i’m fairly new to asana. When I look at my tasks, there is a list of tasks and they have the drag and drop bumps on the left of the tasks when you hover over them, but they are not sorting or moving for me in any way. Anyone else encountering this? Thanks in advance for any help!

@Jeremy_Morris, Is it possible your Sort (right-side header) is set to something other than None? If so, change it to None to enable drag and drop.

@Emily_Roman, Might you suggest to the dev team to hide the drag handles on hover in all cases where they’re disabled? (Or move this post to #productfeedback if you need this to be voted on?)




Good catch Larry! So I can move them around except for when they are sorted by date. But if I have 5 tasks due today, it would’ve been nice to be able to select which one I want up top. Not a huge deal, just felt like it should’ve been able to be done. Thanks =)


Hi @lpb, the drag handles on hover still appear when sorting My Tasks to give you the option to remove the due date by moving the task to the Later section when tasks are sorted by due date :slight_smile:

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@Emily_Roman, Whoops, my mistake; thanks for correcting that. (I never see that option because I have so many dated tasks.)


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