Multiple organisations

Hello. I have recently signed up into an organisation using a domain email address and I really like Asana. I’m self employed and so I work for multiple organisations whom I believe could benefit from Asana. Is it possible to be a member of multiple organisations with Asana? Would I have to sign up using a personal email address and then be joined to multiple organisations? I would like to use Asana personally for my own company but I do not want the other organisation members to see my projects or tasks. Is this possible?

Yes, it is possible to be a member of multiple organizations. You can have an Asana personal account in addition to your domain but it is not necessarily required. If someone invites you to their Asana organization it will show up in your top right hand corner and you can switch to their organization and see items that they allow you to see. In turn when you let somebody join your organization there is a great deal of flexibility as to what you allow them to see. There are many posts in the community on this. Here is one of a number of references in the Asana Guide Workspace basics | Product guide • Asana Product Guide. You can actually limit what you allow a person to see down to the task level if you choose.


Hi @Nikki_Barlow! You might also be interested in this article from our Guide: Setting up an organization in Asana | Product guide • Asana Product Guide :slight_smile:


I don’t get this, why does Asana automatically created a domain when we sign up, how do we delete it?

HI @Jeff_Rufino, if you wish to remove your email domain from Asana I would advise you to reach out directly to our support team; they’ll be able to assist you with that: Asana Support - Help Center • Asana > “I’m having trouble with” > Scroll down to “Let’s chat”.

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James - maybe you can help.

New people signing up to Asana cannot see our organization.

Under me I see our organization listed twice with different populations.

How can we clean this up?

Hi @pkmakin and welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:t3:

Our support team should be able to sort this out for you! Simply reach out to them following these steps and they’ll be in touch with the next steps for you to take :slight_smile:

If there is anything else we can help you with, let us know!


I did reach out to support. I get platitudes. "I’m sorry to hear that your team has had a frustrating and confusing experience. “ No solutions

The lack of support and inadequate instructions has soured us on Asana and we haven’t even started to use it yet.

Frankly, while we hear good things, it isn’t likely to make the cut., We struggle to get started with it because what should be the most obvious first step is missing from Asana’s introduction. We discovered we need to set up our company as an organization and put our staff into teams. These teams then have projects. Simple. But following your prompts we go down the same blind ‘workspace’ alley as everyone else.

Why, why why can’t Asana simply state this up front? Set up your company as an organization and put our staff into teams. These teams then have projects. Your support forum is full of people stumbling over the same issue and frustrated that they cannot find an answer

You have shot yourselves into foot. Your instruction pages need a thorough overhaul.

  • Peter
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My apologies for the negative experience @pkmakin. I’ve liaised with our support team, and I can confirm they have received your request and will be in touch shortly (your email was sent back at the bottom of the queue every time you replied to it, which explains the delay you have experienced).

Regarding resources, I would highly recommend you to check the “Getting started” section of our Guide: How to use Asana, Asana tutorials, onboarding tips, and team use cases | Product guide • Asana Product Guide hopefully it will answer some of your questions! We also have a great article outlining differences between an Organization and a Workspace, and to help you choose the best set up for you and your team: Asana FAQs and common questions | Product Guide • Asana Product Guide

Again, my apologies for the difficulties you have experienced; our support team will reach out to you soon to help you resolve this set up issue, but if you have any other question in the meantime, feel free to reach out to me, I’ll be more than happy to help!


Thank you for this.

Am I correct that Asana is really best used by individuals and small work groups? It seems that an organization of many teams is not a good fit. The focus seems to be on individuals, but that it isn’t something an entire organization should consider.

There are only 15 of us so we thought Asana might help. Are you by any chance familiar with any platforms that would be suitable? We have a few teams and many projects to manage.

Thank you!

  • Peter

@pkmakin I have been an Asana user for a long time and am a Certified Pro designation. I do agree with your confusion on Organizations and Workspaces but along with the Asana Guide there has been signficant discussion on this Asana Community if you search the topic Organization or Workspace. I think if you take the time to look at some of the videos and guide you will find that many many small-medium and large organizations use Asana and in fact it is definitely something an entire organization should use. That is why it is built . All collaboration software has its wish list but I think you would be hard pressed to accomplishl full collaboration together of your 15 person group any simpler than Asana. I would heavily recommend you become familiar with the hierarchy of Asana organizations being Organization-Teams-Projects- Sections-Tasks- and subtasks. But one of the key features is the ability to multi-home a task into various projects. Don’t get to stuck on Teams as the hierarchy is just a hierarchy of flexible decisions. There are also Asana consultants available that can help you kick-start your implimentation. In all honesty you sound like an ideal candidate for Asana software and it is definately not “The focus seems to be on individuals, but that it isn’t something an entire organization should consider.”

The focus is on execution which can only become realized through the alignment of individuals. As I believe Albert Einstein once said “Vision without execution is hallucination”. There are all kinds of people on this forum that stand ready to give you a vision of using Asana. Can I challenge you to give a better description of your organization, and workflow structure so the many dedicated professionals of Asana and this Community can join hands with you to accomplish your goals.

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I also make a living working for multiple organizations. I have just signed up for a second one and yet I cannot see this organization listed under my name (in the top right of the screen) when using the desktop app. What up with that?

Can I create Multiple Organizations in Asana as an Owner of many Companies?

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Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @Farhan_Ahmed :wave:

Yes that is possible see here Setting up an organization in Asana | Product guide • Asana Product Guide

It is possible to create and join more than one Organization from one account. If you have an additional company email address, add your email address to your account and follow these steps to create a new Organization.