Mark for Today, Upcoming, etc Option Now Missing in iOS

The option to assign a task to today/upcoming has been removed from the options when creating a new task in iOS since a couple days ago. Once in the list view on recently assigned tasks, the only way to assign them in today/upcoming is to hold and drag each task manually to their section.

If you have a lot of recently assigned tasks with no designation of upcoming/today, it can get tedious and time consuming. Can we get the options back as well as a way to select multiple tasks and assign them to today/upcoming from the list view? Or maybe the option to do this has been moved and I just haven’t found it? haha

Appreciate it!

Hi @Michael_O_Connor, welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:t2:

It seems as though your account has migrated to the new My Tasks and so this button has been removed. Instead, you can use custom Rules to move tasks (based on upcoming due dates) or manually do so by changing the section the task is in.

I hope this helps! :slight_smile:

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