We can mark projects as favorites. How about the ability to mark tasks as favorites? There are tasks that I need to reference. It would be great if I didn’t have to search for those every time.
You could do a search for the specific tasks and then add them as a report… They wouldn’t be in the favorites section, but would be in the left hand pane under reports.
If you don’t know how to save reports:
@RyanE, thanks. Unfortunately, that would only work as long as the tasks aren’t too different. In other words, unless I am misunderstanding your suggestion, the search would have to be broad enough to return the diverse tasks I want but not so broad that it would return tasks I don’t need. Does that make sense?
It does make sense. I wasn’t saying to try and define a search to broadly find all these tasks though. My understanding was that you wanted specific tasks to be favorited so they were one click away. Because you can’t click on a “star” to favorite a task, you’d create a new advanced search for each task individually and then save that search as a report. Now that one task is a single click away as a report that finds only that task. If there are a lot of these types of tasks, or if they show up and get completed with frequency, it probably won’t be worth the work to set them up. If they’re long running tasks though…
But I had another idea that might be better than my original one that would get your favorite tasks down to being two-clicks away:
Create a tag called “My Favorite Tasks” or some such and apply it to those tasks you like. Then favorite that Tag from it’s tag page (You can favorite a tag). You won’t have all your tasks in the left-hand bar, but you’ll have easy access to a list of them.
Let me know what you think about that.
@RyanE, good idea. Would the tag be available to the organization? In other words, could someone else use the tag and cause those other tasks to appear even though they aren’t the task that are my favorites?
Simple answer: Yes.
If your concern is others making use of your tag, I’d suggest naming it “Will_Reade’s Favorite Tasks” that way if anyone uses it, they’re doing it intentionally and risking ire. You can use task stories to see people modifying tasks, but oddly, Asana lets you delete the stories you create:
I really dislike that feature, but other people really hate the stories because they take up space so I think this was a way to let those people maybe remove them all. Either way, I think a force of evil could make use of it and cover their tracks.
Back on topic, some extra info on tags that I’ve learned:
I don’t fully know what affects tag visibility. If you put a tag on a task someone else can see, then they can see and use that tag also. Inversely, I’ve created tags for my team that they couldn’t see (until I’ve added the tag to a task they can). Likewise, if I create a tag and then remove it from the task I created it on, then that tag disappears for me and everyone else and I have to create it again. This might save you some time if you start to use tags. I tend to create new tags on old completed tasks that no one looks at to prevent these issues.
@RyanE, great stuff. Thanks for all your help!
I had the exact same problem but the idea of using tags is good. Will try to implement as to what is the result.
In the Asana sidenbar you can view your favorited projects by using a star.
I suggest being able to add favorite tasks to the sidebar. This would help users keep track of ongoing tasks without having to search for them. Especially, if the task isn’t assigned to the user.
Great suggestion @Brian_Wood and welcome back to the forum!
I’ve merged your post into this existing thread. Don’t forget to vote, purple ‘Vote’ button in the top left of this thread.
4 years later I’m bringin this back to life! Let’s gooooooo!
I would also benefit from this.
Anyway to shortcut to some certain tasks would help me tremendously. Right now when I have something in mind to add to an existing task, I have to break that chain of thought, and get to searching for the task first. Quite annoying.
Yes please prioritize this!
I would use this feature often! My current solution is a list of Asana ticket links that I have to maintain outside of Asana (in my Notes app or a Google doc)
Note: Not a solution but marked as such to elevate a key reply
Until/if Asana adds this feature…
Did you rule out using a “MyNameFavorite” tag for these tasks, a workaround mentioned earlier?
Or for the list of links, you could store that in the Description of a “Favorites” task you keep in My Tasks, or in a private notepad widget in Asana’s Home page.
I like the suggestion to use the Private Notepad widget!
Re: using tags, see screenshot below. I don’t want to add a personal field to a ticket that has multiple collaborators. Is there a way to make tags hidden/private?
No; that’s possible with private custom fields, but not with tags.
In that case the MyNameFavorite tag workaround does not seem optimal.