Mapping form fields to task fields

Whenever forms are submitted - they are given a default task title. We have to manually go in and customize these to reflect data submitted in the form (for example, name and location + due dates).

Our workaround has been to use Google Forms and Zapier, which can populate the tasks with this information but it seems like this should be something easily implemented on the Asana side and eliminate the need for outside software and management.

As it is now, we try to keep things in one place, so a number of our staff are spending a lot of banal time having to cut and paste information in the forms into the fields in tasks in order to make the workflow process better. While this is not a NEED, it’s definitely a feature that weakens the user experience and causes some tasks to be missed or ignored.

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Are you aware that you specify the construction of the resulting task title to be made up of a combination of form field values (albeit a little constrained, strung together separated by commas)?

And you can map form field values to custom fields provided the project already has defined custom fields when you go to modify the form?

Are you just asking for more customizability in those areas?




Hi @KristinTHorowitz :wave:t2:

Check out this Guide on custom field mapping β†’ Create Forms in Asana | Product Guide β€’ Asana Product Guide

You might find this helpful :slight_smile:

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