Mandatory Custom Fields Filling

This would be really useful. We have added a new field for “Security Considerations” to one of our projects and even if it was just filled in with “N/A” when raising the task this would help.

This would be a game changer - I have some fields that are required for people to fill in order for tasks to be routed. It would be great to get this functionality. Also having all Portfolio fields added to the project somehow - we ask people to fill fields in the portfolio view for each project but then this is not visible within the project (I saw this, Can custom fields in the portfolio be visible in the project itself as well - #2 by lpb but it nos really intuitive for the team) - if anyone has a solution for this, please let me know! Thanks

I’m just commenting to keep this one alive. :wink:

I would love to automate certain internal processes after completing a task to eliminate unnecessary copy-pasting. However, I can only do this if people fill in the necessary information on custom fields on the completed task. Hence the need for mandatory custom fields upon marking a task done.

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PLEASE make this possible! There are so many headaches that could be solved with this feature, and it’s so strange that a tool as robust as Asana doesn’t yet have it.

Need the:

  • Ability to identify certain default fields as mandatory
  • Ability to identify custom field as mandatory prior

If it’s an issue of “mandatory for what,” then perhaps there needs to be an option for “Draft” tasks. Then, having the mandatory fields completed allows users to change the task from “Draft” to “Active” or something similar.

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