Mandatory Custom Fields Filling

I would like to have custom fields that are mandatory/required to fill upon adding a new task to that project


Hello, did you determine how to make a custom field mandatory? I also need to be able to do this but I can’t find this ability which appears to be a significant weakness in the Asana product for custom fields.

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Agree with this. One of the problems is that people don’t fill in custom fields (accidentally) which directly influences the quality of your reports. I can’t believe it still isn’t done.


Would definitely be useful, making it “required” is maybe hard to implement, in the way that you don’t want to block a task’s creation because something isn’t filled, but some kind of warning or notification about what’s not done properly would definitely improve quality overall.


This would help a lot to avoid human errors when tasks are created that require certain fields to be filled out.


Are there any plans to support custom fields that can be enforced as input when creating a task?

The ability to configure custom fields for tasks is a great feature but it only supports optional field input. There is no way to set up a custom field and ensure that for every task created, the task creator populates the custom field.

Any feedback appreciated.


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What is the status of this functionality? Option for mandatory fields on tasks would be a great improvement - thanks!

+1 on this request, we would like the ability to mark a custom field as mandatory on closing down the task as this affects our ability to report effectively if a user has missed filling this in.

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Hi, I also need this feature because we work a lot with external clients.
Now we have a lot of tasks that are not assigned to a project.

Would be nice for a feature, as it’s been an open issue now for several years :confused:

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It would be great if it’s possible to make a field compulsory in a task. People don’t necessarily fill in some important fields and it’s hard to prioritize the task without sufficient information. Mandatory fields drive habitual change.

My team wants to start tracking hours according to the phase we are in with a vendor. This will help our finance team immensely as they review vendor work and quantify partnership value. My board is going to be shared with said vendor and I want them to be required to track the hours they are doing what.

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This is not currently possible. However you could create a saved search with all the tasks without a value in a given field, and if you share that link with them, they could have a recurring task encouraging them to check the report and fix things on a regular basis…

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Hi @anon62279743, welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:t2:

We do have an existing thread for this request in the #productfeedback category so I’ve gone ahead and merged yours with the existing one to consolidate feedback.

Hopefully this is something our Product team can implement in the future! I’ll keep you in the loop if I have any updates :slight_smile:

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Upvoting this feature request for mandatory fields. We want completeness of information before a task is added so it can be immediately worked on.


Hello, I would like to be able to mark a custom field for a task form as Required. This should 1) appear automatically on any new blank task form created for any project without the need to set up a form template for every project. We have custom fields that the team must fill out for every task, no matter what. If those defaulted to be on the form without any setup it would save a lot of time and prevent missed entries. Next, the task should not be able to be completed without the required fields being populated.

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Hi @Rockey_Adams, while this feature isn’t available at this time, hopefully it’s something our Product team can implement in the future

We do have an existing thread for this feature request in the #productfeedback category so I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with the existing one to consolidate feedback.

I’ll keep you posted and let you know if I have any updates

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Just wondering whether its possible in Asana to have the project field as a mandatory selection for all tasks? without using a custom form.

Thanks in advance


Hello @Lee_Peacock, welcome to the Asana community forum :wave:

Here is an existing feedback request for upvoting: Mandatory Custom Fields Filling

How I solve this in the meantime is with rules. That a task cannot be marked complete if nothing has been selected (now that only works with custom fields that have a drop down)

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How has this not been prioritized by Product team? Keeping a backlog or any other project groomed by enforcing required fields should be a no brainer…especially when there are project members owning and updating their tasks = human error.
If I am missing something and there is a way to prevent a field from being update to status of X (because field 1, field 2 or field 3 are blank), please advise!
And no, this isn’t sufficient for only completing a task as it is needed at the beginning of a project when tasks are groomed and added to an upcoming release scope. Thank you.