Making Tasks Default to Public

This should be a simple feature to prioritize. Its super annoying, even when you know people are supposed to be able to see your tasks, when the task says “private” I always make it “public” just in case. It’s an extra click and it happens a lot.

6 years and no fix. Booo. You can do better Asana. Step up. Fix this.


For those of you struggling with this issue, I’m not sure if this helps.

In Asana, you can’t create a project without having a team, and an admin can control the team and project settings (i.e. to control who can see projects, and therefore tasks, of the team etc).

At our org, we’re careful to manage the team/project settings and then we just have a simple protocol for all staff that all tasks they create in Asana MUST be assigned to a project. Once assigned to a project, the task then adopts the permission settings for that project (which, as above, can be controlled by an admin and made public to the org, the team or the project members by default).

That seems to solve this problem for us. Granted, it relies on staff following the protocol, but as long as managers are regularly reviewing projects with project members then our experience is that people get into the habit pretty quickly, else they aren’t getting credit for tasks they completed but failed to assign.

Welcome any thoughts on this?

The default reply from the Asana team to this request is to add the tasks to a project. We know this is a workaround, but not the point of this request. We understand that this is not how Asana was intended at conception, but not everyone uses Asana the same way and we would like to have the option to make our tasks public by default without any additional steps.


Even having an option here to do it in bulk would be nice.

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The workaround I used was to just invite people I wanted to have access as collaborators.

This does not work. I created a brand new project → set to “public” → Clicked on the Board tab → selected “Import” from drop-down under Project settings → imported CSV full of tasks. HOWEVER none of them are public, and I would have to manually change every single one. This is not sustainable. Please advise.

I tried that - created a brand new project → set project to public → uploaded CSV full of tasks → HOWEVER each task is still private, and I’d have to change each task manually. Is this what you meant or did I misunderstand your process?

Welcome, @Sarah_Saddler,

Can you include a screenshot of the project Share dialog and another of one of the tasks’ task detail pane top several lines? Are you still seeing a Make public link there?

Also, what are you trying to achieve ultimately? What’s your use case? Maybe there’s another way.

Then we might be able to help more.



I would like this feature as well.