How to set task Public by default

Is there any option to set tasks Public by default in Asana? We reaaly need this option and it will increase our ptoductivity.


A task outside of a project is indeed private by default, you can’t change it.
But a task should almost always belong to a project. If the project is public, your task will be public. Did you consider this?

Of course. But not all of our tasks need to be assigned to a project. That is the problem

We realised ourselves it made sense to have “general projects” to host everything. Otherwise it is hard to find a task (except through the search)

Hi! Is there any update here on how to have tasks be auto public? Even tasks I have in projects are showing up private by default.

You can’t enable this behaviour by default I am afraid.

Just checking on this thread: any update? Is there a feature request regarding setting tasks to public by default? Our company would also benefit greatly if that functionality were implemented.
Thanks, hope you’re all having a nice week!

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Why is this feature request being gate kept?


Because its useful

This app has so many features, but also so many base features missing.

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What’s basic for someone, isn’t for someone else, that’s what’s hard for a Product team. :sweat_smile:
fyi we wrote 🦄 If Wishes Were Unicorns: Why Asana Might Not Have Implemented that Feature Request (and other thoughts about Asana feature development and product strategy) and I’ll ask the team if it makes sense to include your point in our list