Making one project dependent on another project

It would make a lot of sense to enable dependencies between projects, in the same way we can make to tasks dependencies.


Great idea @Tanya_Frankel-Waxman! Thank you for sharing it with us!

Although I don’t believe this is in our near term plans, I’ll make sure to keep you posted here if I have any update on my end!

Thank you again for your feedback and welcome to the Forum :slight_smile:


Thanks. This function is really critical for teams that manage multiple and big projects. I was thinking of listing my company to Monday. com as so far Asana isn’t powerful enough for big projects.

Thanks in advance,


Hi @Tanya_Frankel-Waxman,

How would you want to see this work in practice? Would the project start and due dates of the dependent project adjust automatically when the start/due date of its dependency changes? Or…?

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Yes - that sounds right!

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You can make any task dependent on another task in another project. I would try making the first task in one project dependent on the last task of another project. That way once the one project is complete, the first task would be triggered in another project. This will work on any task in the middle of a project to trigger another task anywhere in another project.

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Thanks Brenda - that’s not a bad get-around solution.

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My team is using Asana for something a bit unusual perhaps, but the UI seems to work great. To tie together and group a widely-dispersed set of ongoing initiatives and tasks we need to be aware of in our role. As a user, I’d like to have my own version of the project and mark when I have completed a Task. Yet there will be new things added to the master constantly. I don’t think it’s possible to do this but I’d like to have a sub-project which accepts changes and synchs downward from the master, if that makes sense.

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This is a great idea and I could really use it! Sometimes we discover something mid-stream that means a project is suddenly dependent on this newly discovered work, would be great to be able to put the original project into an “on hold” state and show its dependency on this newly fired-up project.


I would also love to see this.

Same!! It would be of tremendous help for us!!!

This would be very useful for upper management status. They can quickly see that a project cant start because another project isn’t complete. This is not something they need to see at a task level.