Made a template with tasks and subtasks. Made a project from that template. The project is included in the tasks but not subtasks.

I am trying to create templates for some usual processes we have. I’d like to take advantage of tasks and subtasks within this template.

When I create a project based on this template, all the tasks are linked to that project. Great! But none of the subtasks are linked to a project.

I want all tasks and subtasks in a template-created project to be linked to that project automatically. Is that possible?

Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @maxdoes :wave:

By default subtasks do not belong to any project.
You would have to add them to the project so they show up as task in the project as well.

Here is the relevant feedback request for what you would like to set up: Allow to automatically add subtasks to project

A workaround is using Flowsana for example.

Thanks. Super disappointing! Not sure why a task created under a task for a specific project would not belong to any project, but I see people have been asking for this feature for at least 5 years… I will look into workarounds, thanks!