Mac app not able to scroll when in a project to see more tasks.

Hello, I was downloaded the app for my Mac and when setting up my monitor I noticed that there are tasks that I could not see because the window was not “big enough”. I tried to scroll down to move the tasks up with out adjusting the window with no luck. I tried the same thing with the web version and made it the same size as the app and still was not able to see all the tasks but had the option to scroll. I would love to see this feature applied to the app to be able to continue using it.

Hi @Stephen_Bossert, welcome to the forum :wave:

Could you post a screenshot or perhaps describe in which area of Asana your tasks are getting cut off? That would help us, help you :slight_smile:

Thank you. I just tried again and was unable to replicate the issue that I was having before. If I see it come up again I will grab some screen shots and post them. Thank you for your time.

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