Loss of functionality due to new email policy

The new email policy has created an issue for those of us with both a work workspace and a personal workspace. The issue I’m having is before, I’d have one tab open in my personal email workspace and one tab open in my work email workspace. Now, I can still do that with two different accounts, except each time I go back and forth, a popup comes up telling me I need to log in to the new account. This really slows things down for me. Productivity software is supposed to make things easy, not create hassles and roadblocks!

@Kyle_Hansen I found your post here on the forum while I was searching around to confirm any issues that might arise due to the upcoming account changes related to the email policy. It sounds like your updates happened prior to ours (scheduled for August). This documentation here: https://help.asana.com/hc/en-us/articles/18180556865563-Asana-account-email-policy seems to suggest that you can use the account switcher with this new change and it should work i.e. as long as you’re logged into both, you should be able to seamlessly switch between them. I’m just checking in to see if this is still an issue for you. Our organization’s setup was given a deadline of August 12th before this change is going to take place and so I’m just trying to research all the possible things that could go wrong before I proceed with the update. Thanks for any additional information you can share.

And now this link about account switching doesn’t even work.

Hi @Juliet_Yaques1,

There is currently an issue with the Asana Help Center. They are working on fixing it; in the meantime, if you copy that link, open an incognito window in your browser and paste the link there, you should be able to get to that article.