I move events around in the Gantt chart very often. The feature that automatically adjusts dependencies is great. However, often there are often specific milestones with rigid dates. I’d like to be able to “lock” the dates of specific tasks so that other events move around them in the timeline. This could also highlight conflicts if the timing doesn’t make sense.
Welcome @Adam_Yormark2!
I agree that this feature will be a powerful addition. I added my vote.
This would be a great feature, I’m forever dragging tasks/milestones I shouldn’t. It’s just too easy.
This would be very powerful for me as well! I commonly move tasks that should be locked in place, due to dependencies.
Suggestion: “Lock Dates” for a task. Then if dependencies for the Timeline are set to “Consume Buffer” or “Maintain Buffer”, then for this task only always use “None (Buffer)”. This would likely solve the issue and add lots of value, IMO.
Are these things presumed to have the identical content?
Addendum: I strongly request that a lock function be implemented.