Links on app download page are incorrect

Links on the black buttons here are incorrect: Download the Asana App for Mobile and Desktop • Asana. The windows link leads to a macOS download. The android link leads to the apple store.

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Hi @Katie_A, sorry for the trouble. I can’t replicate this issue on my end. The links seem to be redirecting me to the correct App Stores. Can you confirm in which device this is happening? Does it persists in an incognito window?

Hi Vanessa – I checked it again just now and the links look good. So weird. I was using Chrome on Windows 10 Enterprise when I had the issue. I clicked the Windows app button and it actually downloaded the Mac app. That’s when I checked all three links – to find the right download.

Probably just a temporary glitch. I’m happy to hear that it’s all good now! Thanks for your report, @Katie_A :slight_smile:

:blush: Hope you have a nice day.

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