Seems the Asana mac download link is broken?

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
On the website, clicking the download button for the mac app is broken.

Steps to reproduce:
Go to Download the Asana App for Mobile and Desktop • Asana
For mac - the button opens a access denied XML.

Upload screenshots below:

Hi @matt38, thanks for your message! We’ve escalated this issue to our Team for investigation and hope it will be fixed soon. Apologies for the trouble!



We receive the following error when we try do download Asana Desktop App for Mac:


Access Denied



Do you know about this issue?


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Yes, it’s a known issue; see this other post:

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Hi @matt38 and @AlexBalan, our Team has confirmed that the issue should be fixed now! Please let us know if you are still running into issues downloading the Desktop App.

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Thank you and yes all working :slight_smile:

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