Limit Date Selection in Forms


It would be helpful for my team if there was a way to limit dates that could be selected when someone fills out a form.

We have a form where the date entered becomes the task’s due date. We would like customers to select only Weekday dates. We do not want a customer filling out the form on a Saturday for a Sunday request date, that we then see on the following Monday. This would also be helpful to eliminate holidays as due dates.




This feature indeed does not exist, I’ll upvote your suggestion!

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Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us, @Melissa_Dowell! I’ll keep you posted if we have any news about this feature or something similar that can help! :slight_smile:


Hi there, have there been any advances on this feature?

It would also be super helpful for my team if I could set limits on date ranges. For example, the date range must be at least 2 business days, and cannot exceed 5 business days.

I’m excited to hear if this is possible!

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@Carley_DenBoer we haven’t heard anything about this topic, but the roadmap is not public so we just have to wait :slight_smile:

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@Carley_DenBoer @Melissa_Dowell Bastien is correct - I always make sure I add in the question description “please do not set a date for a weekend and give at least two business dates for completion”

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Also merging this with exisiting topic

I’d like to make a feature request that we get more control over the date field in Asana forms. We have a lot of customers selecting the Task Due Date as the same day. This is usually not achievable and we complete tasks in 24-48 hours.

If we can set the minimum due date to be 24 hours from when the form is being entered or more that would be great.

Also secondary to this would be setting specific days (like only weekdays) and removing holidays.


Hi @felicia1, welcome to the Asana Community forum :wave:t2:

Thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback! While this feature isn’t available right now, hopefully it’s something we can see brought to life in the future.

I’ll let you know if we have any news :slight_smile:

I can see this as being something similar to the task template (or rule action) whereby you user can only select X days from form submit.

Greetings! Although an old thread, I’d like to voice a need for this feature as well. Just as Felicia1 noted, we too get numerous and unrealistic form submissions with the task due date being the same day as the form is submitted. Being able to blackout dates (including weekends and holidays) for users to select would be a most welcome bit of functionality.


Yes. This would be a great feature to have. We are constantly getting same day or next day request. It would be very helpful to be able to set the number of days that are blocked out from the date of request.

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Hi everyone! I am in the process of editing a form I’ve created in Asana. I have a question about the Date field option. Is there a way that we could exclude certain dates from being selected? Would love any suggestions!


I was wondering if there was a way to add restrictions to forms. For example, if someone were to request an asset that takes 10 days to turnaround, but they input a due date that’s 5 days from now – is there a way to flag that in the form?


At the moment this is not possible to restrict the dates offered in a form question.

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Hi Bastien,

I’ve been using asana for years, but am new to the forum. What do you mean when you say, “the roadmap is not public”?


I mean you can’t know exactly what they are planning to release next week, next month, next year. We have a broad idea, which is communicated during their yearly event. For a specific feature (for example subtasks showing their parent projects in My Tasks) we just don’t know if it will ever be done.

I did a study a while back, most competitors don’t share it either, so no need to be outraged and say others do :sweat_smile:

ohhhh gotcha. Thank you!

Yeah, I’ve been looking for this feature as well, and I cannot find it anywhere.

Hi @Bastien_Siebman,
please please please, this could be very helpful!!!

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When selecting a Due date on a form submission, would like to prevent someone from selecting a due date less than a certain amount of time. This will not only set expectations when a someone submits an intake request, but will align with current SLA in place.

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