Last task start and end date changement

Hi guys I am very new in Asana and hope you can help me .
Let’s say I have this scenario.
As you see I have 5 tasks…
First Task- start date June 22- end date June 23
Second Task- start date June 24- end date June 25
Third Task- start date June 24- end date June 26
Fourth Task- start date June 24- end date June 29
Fifth(last task) Task- start date June 30- end date July 1

For example I want to shift last task on 2 days (from July 2 to July 3).
How can I do so that other tasks also move by two days.
I need to see in my timeline this

For sum up
I need shift last task on 2 days and other tasks (from task 1 to task 4)should automatically shifted on 2 days


Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @Mark_Teears!

You can use auto-shifting while updating dates from your project Timeline. For auto-shifting to work it is necessary that the tasks have the requirements in this article. Can you try to follow that steps and let me know if it works?

Please find more details and examples of auto-shifting in action in the article.

I hope this helps!

Thank you, but but this article can’t help me because when I shift my last task forward on two days other tasks does not change their positions, because there is no any overlap

@Mark_Teears, Have you tried this:
