Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing: Tasks without any changes to the task or any updates. Ex: task shows no activity since 27 Nov 2023 but has a last modified date of 15 Dec 2023
Steps to reproduce: Not sure - this is inconsistent.
Browser version:
What version of Asana are you using (Basic/Premium/Business/Enterprise)? Business
Hey @Niels_Oomen,
can you open one of the task that show last modified today and switch to “all activity” in the comment section to see what shows and if there was any action performed today?
And the task is without subtasks?
Does anybody else have access to the task? Because I am wondering if somebody might have added a subtask and then removed or added a comment and then deleted it.
Also tasks due today would reflect today under “last modified” as well
Is that really the case? That would mean that “Last Modified” is absolutely useless.
Last modified should only change based on an activity. The fact that it has a due date for today should not trigger the Last Modified attribute.
As a PM I want to validate when task have been processed.
To be honest I only noticed today that indeed tasks with a due date of today were set to “last modified” today although no changes were made. I agree this is a bit weird.
And I did have another task where a comment was added to a subtask but it did trigger the “last modified” date of the main task.
I have also found this task with a discussion about what normally impacts the “last modified” and the due date is not mentioned there
A bit weird indeed to be honest. I will do some more testing with tasks.
I would recommend creating a post in the Report a Bug forum section, something like “Last Modified date changes when there have been no changes to a task” and provide the specifics. I suspect it’s not a bug but that’s the best way for Asana to check on it and report back.
Hi everyone, our Developers have looked into this report and confirmed that although there’s no bug here, they recognize that there’s an opportunity to enhance the task log behavior for better clarity. The feedback has been forwarded to the relevant team, and we anticipate making improvements in the future. I’ll keep this topic as “In progress” for now.
I’m closing this thread for now following instructions from our Developers. As mentioned earlier, you can be assured that they’ve added this request to their opportunities list and will thoroughly consider it for future enhancements. Sorry for the inconvenience in the meantime!