Joining accounts/workspaces

Hi, I have a question.
I have access to the Asana multiple workspaces created by another person (I’m team member, I will call it project “A”).
Few weeks ago I created Asana account and workspace for my own purposes (project “B”) - to create account and log in I used different e-mail adress than in project “A”.
Is there possibility to merge these accounts/workspaces? I would like to log in and have access to all workspaces (from project “A” and my personal “B”) at the same time. Now it isn’t possible - when I want to check something in project “B” i have to log out form “A” and log in by the other e-mail adress. At the same time I don’t want to give access to team members from project “A” to my personal stuff “B”.
Is it possible to achieve?
Also, if it is possible I would like to ask if the team members “A” would be notified that I created project “B” or If they could check in any way that I created “B”?

Thank You for any help.

Hi @Joanna_Cajtel, welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:t2:

You can merge your accounts by following the steps here:

Merging your accounts will not offer any additional access to other users, it simply means you can use one log in to access your multiple accounts. As your Workspaces are completely separate, uses from Workspace A will not have access to Workspace B unless added as Members.

I hope this helps :slight_smile:

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