Is there a way to cut/paste from an asana task description to gmail to keep the formatting?

Is there a way to cut/paste from an asana task description to gmail to keep the formatting? For example, if I have a bulleted list that has been created in a task description I want to just cut/paste it into gmail and retain the formatting, is there a way to do that?

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Hey @Tiffany_Brenner_Guer, just responded in the other thread you created when I noticed it got deleted :wink:

(topic deleted by author)

Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @Tiffany_Brenner_Guer!

Do you know that you can also forward emails to Asana to create tasks? In case not have a look here.
I know however often the formatting gets a bit messed this way.
Now the task description has been improved in terms of formatting options which can be helpful.

Also here is a feedback request that might be interesting for you.

Also check the Asana for Gmail Add on as that should usually keep the formatting.


Hi @anon97917595

To complete what @Andrea_Mayer said, you can also forward any email to, and the email will miraculously appear in your My Task, as a task :slight_smile:

(works similarly to Gmail add-on)

More info : Turning emails into Asana tasks | Product guide • Asana Product Guide

Good luck :wink:

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