iOS App - Chrome as default browser

It would be great to be able to choose in which browser links from Asana should be opened. As you know, iOS does not allow choosing default browser. Outlook app does this - you can choose to open links in Chrome. Same would be great in Asana because many of us use that as main task management system and opening links in Safari is very annyoing.

There is a workaround with iOS 12 Shortcuts. It will still open in safari first, but then you can use an ios shortcut to reopen the link in Chrome from Safari fast.

[Link needs to be open in iOS Safari to work] Shortcuts

And just make sure the shortcuts app is in you share sheet.


Thanks for sharing your feedback @kshengelia, we’ll take it onboard for future improvements!

Workaround is enough effort that I prefer to just copy link and paste in chrome but still - thanks for suggestion.

just go to your chrome setting and set as default. fixed