Introducing Smart Projects: Simplify Project Creation with Asana AI ✨

Hello all :wave:

This week we released a new AI feature, Smart projects!

Smart projects makes project creation easy. Just simply enter a project name, and AI will create a suggested description, sections, and custom fields. You can edit AI’s suggestions as needed before finalizing the project. Now with Smart projects, you can focus on the work rather than worrying about how to structure the work!

How to use Smart projects:

Smart Project Creation (1)

  1. Click the Create button on the top left of your Asana instance and select Project
  2. Select Blank Project
  3. Enter the title of your project under Project name
  4. Select Set up under the project name to set up your project with Asana AI
  5. You can then choose to discard, alter the project description, retry, or change any settings before creating the project
  6. Once you are finished editing your project details select Create project
    Smart projects is available on Starter, Advanced, Enterprise, and Enterprise+ tiers.

You can also learn more in this article from our Help Center.

As always, we’d love to hear from you! Please share your thoughts on how Smart projects can help your organization in the comments below.


Please not this feature is available on legacy Asana tiers (Premium, Business and Enterprise) and on current Asana tiers (Starter, Advanced, Enterprise, and Enterprise+). Information on usage for current tiers can be found here.


Super useful, this feature! Could it be that this will be rolled out later in Europe? Because I don’t see “Set up your project with Asana AI” yet in our Asana when I create a new project.

Hello @Eva_V, this feature is fully rolled out, if you aren’t seeing it yet, it’s likely because your Admin has restrained AI usage for your company. You can learn more about these restrictions here: