Introducing Project Notes!

Hello and I hope this reaches you well Is there a way for this to be done on the app or is it only available on desktop site?

Hello @Christean_2.oh, welcome to the forum! Notes are not currently accessible in the app, but you can vote for it as a feature on this thread.

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Hi everyone! I’m excited to announce we are adding the Notes tab to Portfolios with the same functionality as project notes :tada:

We are gradually rolling out this update and it will be available in all your portfolios soon! :slight_smile:


Is there a way to zoom into the notes feature without zooming into my entire screen? If not, can this be considered for future updates? Thank you!

Love this new feature!!

I was able to create tasks directly on portfolio level notes a few days ago and now it seems I can’t.

Hi @kendall.trewin , welcome to the forum :wave:
I would be surprised if you could create tasks in a Portfolio’s Note tab because Asana wouldn’t know in which project to create them in.

So it’s likely you created those tasks within a project’s Note tab, right?

I was assigning them to a project, but if I didn’t I think I could see them in “My tasks”. The original screenshot Emily shared had the “Create task” button.

I am not able to search any keyword within notes !!

Is that normal :flushed::flushed::flushed: ??

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At the moment, it’s not possible to search within notes.
You can leave feedback here.

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