Hello and I hope this reaches you well Is there a way for this to be done on the app or is it only available on desktop site?
Hello @Christean_2.oh, welcome to the forum! Notes are not currently accessible in the app, but you can vote for it as a feature on this thread.
Hi everyone! I’m excited to announce we are adding the Notes tab to Portfolios with the same functionality as project notes
We are gradually rolling out this update and it will be available in all your portfolios soon!
Is there a way to zoom into the notes feature without zooming into my entire screen? If not, can this be considered for future updates? Thank you!
Love this new feature!!
I was able to create tasks directly on portfolio level notes a few days ago and now it seems I can’t.
Hi @kendall.trewin , welcome to the forum
I would be surprised if you could create tasks in a Portfolio’s Note tab because Asana wouldn’t know in which project to create them in.
So it’s likely you created those tasks within a project’s Note tab, right?
I was assigning them to a project, but if I didn’t I think I could see them in “My tasks”. The original screenshot Emily shared had the “Create task” button.
I am not able to search any keyword within notes !!
Is that normal ??
At the moment, it’s not possible to search within notes.
You can leave feedback here.