Increase the limit of 250 rule actions used per month on Starter tier

So out of touch with the market and just squeezing legacy users who have high movement costs never does well for a business. Currently looking at moving to notion or clickup for a better feature set and lower cost.

Asana - please reconsider how you are facilitating this Rule for the Starter tier. As has been mentioned in multiple places, it is very impractical and especially for long-standing / existing clients it can really be a deal breaker.

10 people with Actions to just move tasks between sections in My Tasks could easily generate an average of 100 actions per day for the company. So just daily triaging of tasks, something Asana has always provided in My Tasks, could be negatively impacted by this limitation. Same thing for other project workflows.

If Asana insists on limitations for Rules in the Starter Tier, I recommend some of the following alternative options:
:small_blue_diamond:Don’t count any Rules running in My Tasks.
:small_blue_diamond:Increase to 2,500 Actions per month.
:small_blue_diamond:Focus on Rules running instead of Actions.
:small_blue_diamond:Focus the limitation per Project instead of org-wide.

Better yet, consider removing the limitation to keep clients coming and retaining old clients. Automations/Rules are a huge part of what just about any company is looking for. A large % of my clients, small and large, are asking questions about how to integrate and automate nowadays. This limitation forces company’s to either opt out completely or move to Business (which might be too expensive for some.)


+1! 250 Actions is a complete dealbreaker for us which will very likely force us to go with a different tool like awork or clickup after using asana for many years.

A starter plan for a team of 5 people or for a team of 20 people, and the number of rules is the same if I understand the description correctly. It’s kind of unfair to be honest. My business is not so marginal to connect Advanced plan, but the whole advantage of Asana service is in rules. It turns out that on the starter plan I do not use rules because I quickly go out of bounds. Therefore, I start looking for an analog where the price is fairer.

It would be fair to distribute on a per person basis. For example, 250 per person. It turns out that as the team grows the number of rules per person decreases, it’s not okay, I pay the same for each person right? But in the conversion to service per person I start to get less.

Following the logic of the tariff, with the growth of the team and the tariff should become cheaper for each next person.

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Hi @Yura_Zabolotny1 , welcome to the forum :wave:

I’ve merged your post into this existing thread. Don’t forget to add your vote in the top left of this thread, scroll all the way to the top or click on the topic’s title.

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We have been an Asana customer for over 10 years and are very irritated by this new limitation. We use very simple rules, e.g. for the “classic” categorisation of My Tasks into sections: New, Today, Upcoming, Later (this used to be the standard). A limit of 250 now forces us to either pay a lot more or to reorganise or worsen our work process with Asana.

I appreciate everyone’s worry and frustration at this limitation - I also personally feel the number of actions per month is very low.

But it might be worth noting that these limitations are currently ‘soft’ and Asana has not officially announced what will be the actual repercussions when you hit your monthly limit.

So, until then, let’s sit tight and see. :person_shrugging:

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