I have an Asana project that includes a lot of people from my team. I have a custom field of ‘owner’ to see who is in charge of each task in each section. It is a very long list with a lot of people involved, therefore subtasks are used that also use the custom field. Is there a way to filter or group so I can see who is in charge of which subtasks in a more organized way?
I know filtering or grouping with tasks is possible, I am looking for a way to include the subtasks!
Hi @Nyah_Alcoz , currently, only ‘parent’ tasks are visible using the Group, Sort & Filter buttons. However, you could create a chart in the Dashboard tab and use the filter called ‘Subtasks’ to include / exclude them. Then each bar or slice of donut is clickable and will provide a list of tasks as search results.
Curious, why you are using a custom ‘Owner’ (People?) field, rather than the native ‘Assignee’ field?
I would also take care in not ‘burying’ too much important work in subtasks, instead of having them as parent tasks which are clearly more visible and easier to work with for a project with multiple members. You may want to consider dragging the subtasks out and dropping them into the main project instead, depending on your particular use case, of course.
Thank you @Richard_Sather! The dashboard tool seems to do the trick
We are using a custom field because the tasks were not made for completion but rather a reminder to execute targets throughout the year. We avoid the ‘assignee’ field in this case to not clutter the My Tasks as most use My Tasks as their own to-do list.