Hi! I’m trying to sort out a balance of notifications in browser, email and mobile app.
I’ve decided daily digest for email, then everything through app and browser. The most important notification for me is when someone completes a task. However, I don’t seem to get a browser notification for this. Weirdly I do get one on my phone.
Is this supposed to be this way or am I doing it wrong?
Hi @Greg_Smith1 thanks for reaching out. As it stands, browser notifications will only appear when your teammates assign you a task, comment on a task you’re following, or add you as a collaborator.
I’m moving this topic to our Feedback section so you and other users can add your vote to this feature request.
Thanks. In that case can I request that the notification options are more fine tuned and the same options across the apps and browser versions please?
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little late here but this is an important feature (browser notification to project owner for completed tasks of assignees) and I wish to know if it will ever be implemented. Other productivity platforms do this, so no reason Asana shouldn’t! Thanks.