It would be really nice if the little orange dot next to Inbox showed an actual number of notifications (like Facebook does, except not fake ones like Facebook does). Especially because some people (like me) see the dot and think “oh god, is this a day where I was included on 10 conversations, or does someone just need my approval on one thing.” Sometimes I avoid looking at my Inbox because I’m not prepared to read a whole lot of updates, but I’d open it if it were 5 or less. Once you open it the orange dot is gone forever, so you kind of have to read them all at once after opening Inbox.
Dear Sir/Madam
I would like to suggest an idea about change the orange point in inbox when you get notifications to number to know how many notifications i get it
Because when i was on vacation I got alot of notifications and I couldn’t recognize which new and which old
Thanks for sharing your feedback @Majd_Trifie! I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with Inbox Alerts Badge with Number to gather old feedback on one thread! I would recommend adding your vote to Inbox Alerts Badge with Number
I agree with this – and make the dot much bigger! It’s smaller than the colour-coding icons on projects so it doesn’t visually register as needing attention. I forget I have an inbox!
Would be great to have pop-up notifications in your Asana workflow instead of an inbox. Kinda like how Facebook does it. You have a notifications icon next to your profile icon, indicating how many new notifications you have. Click on it and you see an overview of all the updates (like the inbox is now, but more simple/clear). But also comment pop-ups, when someone reacts on a project you follow. No one at our company looks ever at their Asana inbox because it’s just unclear, too much information. Therefore you miss important messages, like when someone tags you in a question. We currently communicate only by creating tasks and assigning someone to it in order to get their attention (it appears in My Tasks). And that’s misusing the functionalities in my opinion.
Thanks for sharing your feedback with us and welcome to the Forum @Jeroen_Bulten!
We already have a thread on this topic, so I have gone ahead and merged your post with the main thread to consolidate feedback on this topis; hope that’s ok!
One thing that I think would be very helpful is some sort of tracker or number in your Inbox that shows how many total notifications you have. This is helpful since I often get behind on my Inbox and, since it loads “as you go” its difficult to tell easily how many total messages/notifications I have to check before my Inbox is “cleared”.
This could take the form of a total number of notifications, or a simple “tracker” bar that increased in size as more notifications piled up (and reduced as those notifications were cleared).
Thank you!
Hey @Jonathan_Flowers, thank you for this great request and for providing more details on how this change would improve your Asana experience.
I can see that we already have a thread on this and I have merged yours into this existing thread to consolidate feedback on this topic. Please feel free to leave a vote!
Minor thing, but rather than just showing the orange dot to indicate that there are new activities in the Inbox feed, it would be much more useful if it showed how many new messages there were in the Inbox. This would raise user engagement with the Inbox IMO, as people generally don’t like have a lot of unread messages.
Love this idea. A big problem I see with new clients is they just “get used” to the orange dot. When I prompt them to click it and check their inbox they realise they’ve missed a boat load of important notifications.
Using the inbox is such a crucial part of Asana, anything that encourages new users to use it is a plus IMO. Seeing that notification # go up over the day/week would be a good motivator.
My recollection was this use to be a hack that was discontinued.
Hi folks!
We already have a thread on this topic: Inbox Alerts Badge with Number, so Iv’e merged this most with the existing thread to consolidate feedback on this matter
I would like to be able to get “badge” or “wdiget” notifications on my desk top app. Often like you see in teams or on your phone with apps. If I have 5 messages in my inbox, I want a number 5 or a red dot to appear on my Asana app icon so that I know I have a new notification WITHOUT checking my email OR without going into the app to look.
Hi @anon49361079, welcome to the Asana Community Forum
While this feature isn’t available at this time, hopefully it’s something our Product team can implement in the future
We do have an existing thread for this feature request in the #productfeedback category so I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with the existing one to consolidate feedback.
I’ll keep you posted and let you know if I have any updates
I’m also interested in this, any updates?
I think this could be a really appreciated feature! Also, the indicator could be more visible, maybe the bell icon could itself be an indicator. I’m an apple user and the icon badge of the native app should also have a number.
Sadly, when I mark a notification as unread, the badge won’t re-appear neither in app nor in the icon’s badge…