In My Tasks v2 List view, provide expand/collapse twisties for tasks with subtasks

On the My Tasks tab currently subtasks are listed as “task name” → “parent task name”.

It would be much appreciated if the subtasks was grouped to their parent task with an accordion, if i an the assignee on both the parent task and the subtask.

This logic is already in place on tasks/subtasks within a project.


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Welcome, @Rasmus_Nygaard_Juste,

I’ve merged this thread with an existing feedback request on the same topic. Please click the title to scroll to the top and vote with the purple Vote button.


Is there any traction on this? I think this is a great feature to have and it would help unify the user experience better between “My Tasks” and “Projects”.

My Teammate has a board which stores SubTasks as a Drop-down below the Task in her lists.

However, in my list - Subtasks can only be viewed within the Task Description!

Hi @Josephina_Bodimeade ,

Welcome to the forum! I’ve moved your post to a similar product feedback request. Please make sure you vote for it in the top left near the title.

Currently, I do not believe what you’re looking for is is supported in My Tasks (only in projects’ list views). There are some clunky workarounds if you desperately need this (e.g., run a rule in your My Tasks that auto-adds all tasks to a main project that you can then use as a de facto My Tasks), but imo that’s not really that helpful.

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Ah magic! Thanks Stephen!

Do you have a link to the product request? I’m a bit lost in the labyrinth!

Thanks muchly!

Hi @Josephina_Bodimeade , when you typed your response, you were actually in the new thread! You’ll notice it’s titled “In My Tasks v2 List view…”. I moved your post here and closed your old thread to consolidate the conversation. If you’re having some trouble finding your way, you can also just click on this link, which will take you to the top of the thread where the vote button is.