Importing Images from Trello to Asana using Unito

Hi there, I am moving to Asana from Trello and needing to migrate all tasks from Tello. I understand we could do a CSV import, however, the attachments and images on Trello tasks were not migrated, is there any way I could do this without manual upload?



Maybe can help @anon3427236 they have a sync between Asana and Trello.

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Thank you Bastien. If my team was to use unito for migrating the task from Trello to Asana, would you know if the content would be removed from Asana after we have deleted either our Trello or Unito accounts?

@anon3427236 will be able to guide you!

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Hi @anon75867602! You are able to migrate from Trello to Asana, and once you delete your Trello account your information wont be deleted in Asana. However, migration isn’t Unito’s core purpose. We focus on continuous integration between the two platforms, so users in Trello and Asana would be able to update each other’s boards without leaving their preferred tool!

Here is a page that has more info on what we are able to sync from the two platforms!

Let me know if you have any more questions :slight_smile:

That being said, can you setup up the sync for the only purpose of having the initial “move” being done?

Yup - you can still migrate from Trello to Asana :slight_smile:

Hi @Bastien_Siebman - we are doing a big move from Trello to Asana. Unito could be a good solution. The CSV tools don’t look like they do a good job.

Would you be able to guide me with your thoughts on this? Have you done this before yourself?

Hi @anon3427236 - wondering if you have any information on this too. Looking to migrate many boards from Trello to Asana.

Any help appreciated. Thank you :slight_smile:

I’ve never done it but people at Unito will be able to advise! Also you can look at the latest “Transfer” feature Zapier has to migrate between tools…