I don't have full admin privileges

Hi @Marwa_Mansour , regarding the custom fields, you will be able to ‘override and edit’ these only if you are an Asana Admin (of your organization, not a project or team). If you don’t see this option when you edit a field, it may mean you are not an Admin.

Can you check within your organization who is the Asana Admin? This usually is the billing owner, IT manager or other key members. If you click on your profile photo, top right, you should see an option for ‘Admin Console’ which means you ARE an Asana Admin.

It also doesn’t sound like you have removed the previous Asana Admin entirely. You will need to access the Admin console to deprovision them (remove them entirely feom your org) or you can remove them if you are in the same team, select Remove, then Remove access and then Deprovision to confirm.

I’m assuming you mean he still appears as the Project Admin, not Ambassador. In this case you will need to contact Asana support to provide you with the required access and permissions.

Best to create a support ticket, by following the instructions here:
How to contact our Support Team :email:

I hope this helps!