I can not print Tasks and Subtasks property

I have setup my Tasks and Subtasks in a project.

When using Chrome on my windows laptop, I can view the Project,
then click the ‘down arrow’ next to it at the top,
then click on Export/print,
then print.
This prints perfectly and allows me to save as a pdf to send to my printer. It shows tasks and sub tasks in order just as on the screen.

I would like to be able to do this from my phone, otherwise its sort of useless for me.

I print lists onto paper for contractors who just want a printed paper list and i need to show tasks and subtasks printed out in order.

If i do that exact routine using Chrome on my android phone, it prints, but only prints a screen shot and does not show subtasks

how can i print tasks and subtasks using a browser on my phone?


Welcome to the Forum @Jimmyss :wave: and thank you for sharing your feedback with us!

As it stands, the printing option is available on the web version only but I agree that being able to print from your mobile would be very useful.

We already have a thread requesting this functionality in the #productfeedback category. If you haven’t yet, I would recommend to upvote it: Printing from Mobile

Have a great Tuesday!


i was trying to get around this by using ‘view as desktop’ in Chrome on android.
if i then use this desktop version in my browser, not the android app, I can choose to print just like the version im using on my computer in Chrome.

However, it does not print the same, it only prints a screen print, and not a project/tasks/subtask list