How to make sections for Daily tasks

Hello! I’m a newbie with Asana so be patient with me for a bit.
I’m experimenting with repeating tasks, I’ve already gotten a fewset to daily, weekly, and others on specific days, however once I mark them as complete, they go back into my “Recently Added” section, encumbering it. Is theer a way to make these repeating tasks go into a specific section like “Daily (Sleep)” once they are completed? This way I can have a “Daily (Active)” Section as well to keep repeating tasks out of the othr assigned tasks. Thank you!

Hi @Antoine_Simon

Welcome to the forum and to the world of using Asana :slight_smile:

Do you have access to rules? If you do, you can create your section ‘Daily Sleep’ and create a rule, that once a task is marked complete, move it automatically to daily sleep.

Here is a screen shot. The default section is recently added. You can change it to whatever you like

This should hopefully work.

Hello Rashad.

Unfortunetaly, what you have said does not solve my problem, it might be something impossible in the current Asana program. I’ll try to describe what I am trying to do a little more in detail.

I have 2 sets of tasks: Daily tasks, and Regular Tasks.
Daily Tasks are set to repeat every certain days like MWF when they need to be done.
When I checkmark one of these tasks, it goes into “Recently added”, encumbering the section. I need a way for Asana to differentiate betwen daily tasks and regular tasks so they don’t end up in the same section, unless in “Due Today”.

Hopefully this describes what I’m looking for a little better.

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@Antoine_Simon - if you are using recurring tasks and grouping your My Tasks by section (I assume you’re talking about My Tasks and not a specific project), you could try using this hack (find it by clicking on your avatar at the top right and choosing Settings:

This should place all new recurrences of the task in the last section of your My Tasks, so you can just name that “Daily Tasks (Active)”


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