How to fetch history (previous assignees, section) of a task?


How can I fetch history of a specific task? More specifically, time when a task got assigned to someone or when a task got moved to another section.

The history is available in the UI in the comments section but I couldn’t find it anywhere in the API (please note, it has to be for historical data-- please correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe Events API/Webhooks do not meet this requirement, it’d only provide data as of now).

Hi @Matt_Barszcz , and welcome to the forum!

What you are looking for are “stories” for a task.

You can get them by following that documentation:

But, be aware that you can’t use that information to handle important process in your organisation, because, stories can be deleted, and you don’t have all stories.

If a field in a task is edited multiple times by the same person, you can lose some intermediate informations, and you will only see the last edition.


Thank you @Frederic_Malenfant!

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