I work for a mobile game company and for some of my bug reports, I need to attach a full-resolution video to demonstrate an issue. In this case, it’s an issue with a character model’s eyes that’s clearly visible on the phone. Before some time last year, this always worked, but recently, when I try to attach a video, the resulting attachment, ironically called “FullSizeRender.MOV”, is extremely low-resolution. My phone’s native screen capture resolution is 1920×1080 and when I attach the video to a Skype channel, the resulting attachment is indeed 1920×1080. However, when attaching to an Asana task via the Asana iOS version, the resulting attachment is only 568×320, so it’s lost much of the resolution that causes the issue to be as clear as it is on the phone.
How do I attach a full-resolution video to an existing Asana task on iOS without uploading to Skype, downloading from there, and attaching in the desktop web browser version of Asana?
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This issue is still relevant. Does anyone have an idea; especially Asana employees?
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Hi, I’m also having this issue! I use asana to plan social media and all the videos I’ve uploaded to plan this out have come out super low quality! I can’t post them.
Is there a fix for this yet?!
Same issue here. I need to share high-quality videos with a team and they downgrade terribly!
Anyone from asana?
Im having the same issue… is there any solution to this?
Agreed! We need full resolution videos
I have this same issue. I use Asana for socail media management and need my clients to send me videos and they are so low quality!! I’m considering finding another platform…
Has anyone found a resolution yet?
The question is specifically pertaining to uploading to Asana without resorting to third-party workarounds, so that’s not a viable solution.
This is still an issue in 2024 @Jan-Rienk @Richard_Sather
Hi @Emily_Birrell , welcome to the forum 
I’m not sure why you have tagged @Jan-Rienk and myself here. In case you may not be aware, we are both volunteer forum leaders; we don’t work for Asana so not sure how we can help, in this case.
Asana doesn’t make their roadmap public so it is unclear if this issue will be resolved in the near future, sorry.
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Adding to @Richard_Sather ,
If you think this is a bug, best thing to do is to contact support
That may take some time though.
same issue for me, we are now in 2024 and I couldn’t find any answer from Asana team 
Same issue here! Please advise!