How does Asana sort a project when printing? + Can we show the start date?

Im trying to understand how Asana is sorting a project when printing…

I came across an old Topic that mentioned it sorted by your current view. But thats not the case for me.

Ive tried to reload my app and print again, but not working.

From what I can tell, its maybe lumping Milestones on top of tasks, sorted by last modified? I dunno…

In addition is it possible to show the full date range when printing, or is it only possible to show due date?

Im trying to show the start and end date of construction activity and its only giving me the end date, which leaves out some critical information for us

Hello @FenwayJohnny,

I have tested this and for me it always prints the tasks in order depending on my filter set.
So I was on list view and sorted the tasks per due date, then printed them as PDF and they printed in order.
Then I changed the filter and it printed in the order I set.

In order to get more data I recommend using the export to csv format. Now if you need it in PDF you can always convert the CSV to pdf afterwards.

Bridge24 also offers reporting and exporting.

I hope that helps

Thanks @Andrea_Mayer - I discovered that the print function was somehow not synced with my current view when I posted my original comment. Once I created a new view and hit Print, it worked as you described. I guess thats a very very small bug…

Either way, I appreciate the extra resources youve shared!

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