How do I edit fields on an in-use board?

I am trying to edit the fields in a drop-down menu on an already-created board, but I don’t get the little pencil icon. How do I do that? I took over as owner of the board, but I didn’t create it

Hello @Alyse_Wax, welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:

You are a full member of your workspace/organization not a guest user yes?

Here is more info on how to edit fields: How to Create and Use Custom Fields in Asana | Product Guide • Asana Product Guide

The person that has created them might have restricted them though so only they can edit.

Does that help?


That does not help. I found those guides, I don’t get the pencil icon to edit. I am a full member of the workspace. How do I know who created it? We’ve had a lot of turnover at our company recently

Hi @Alyse_Wax, and thanks @Andrea_Mayer for the initial probing and troubleshooting :wave:t3:

If you don’t see the pencil icon, it’s likely because whoever created the custom field has selected the “Only you can edit this field’s settings” (see screenshot below)

Capture d’écran 2022-02-18 à 09.03.42

I would recommend reaching out to the project owner. There is a good chance they’ve created this custom field and can untick this option, locking edit rights!

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Thanks! How do I find out who is the owner? I looked at the list of members and it doesn’t say anyone is the owner. I put myself as the owner and it didn’t change anything. I suspect whoever created the project is no longer with the company and therefore has been removed from the project.

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