How can collaborators see each others tasks in calendar/board on free version of asana?

We are a small charity team trying to work using the free version of asana. We can’t work out how to see each others tasks on our own board or calendar. We are assigned as collaborators on each others tasks but only see information and notification in the inbox. How can we make all tasks appear on both of our calendars please?

Hello @Bonnie_Stagg

Welcome to the forum.
If I am not mistaken, the easiest way to do, is to ensure these tasks assigned belong to a project. All members added as members to that project will be able to see the calendar view with all tasks assigned.

However, please meet @lpb he is the go to person specialised in supporting charities who use asana. He most def have better tips to share.


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Welcome, @Bonnie_Stagg, and thanks, @Rashad_Issa,

Rashad’s answer is the same one I would give.

I think you’re talking about each of your “My Tasks” areas. Those show you tasks assigned to you. Because Asana only allows a task to be assigned to one person at most, a task cannot appear in each of two people’s My Tasks. That’s what shared projects are for.

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