Help still needed! Here is a more specific use case…
Here is the scenario.
I am the user “[OLD] Mike Baggins” with the email address
I am a guest user.
I log into Asana into the “” domain
I open my settings
I go to the account tab.
I look at the bottom part of the Account Tab and I see 3 choices.
“Deactivate Account”
“Remove me from this organization”
“Delete My Account”
I want choose he correct one of the three.
Let’s assume that I made the right choice.
After it’s done, “[OLD] Mike Baggins” cannot log into “”
Later, a user named “bill smith” with the email address logs into the “” domain.
If “bill smith” Views an issue that
“[OLD] Mike Baggins” created, he can still see as read/only the name " “[OLD] Mike Baggins” as the creator.
“[OLD] Mike Baggins” left a comment on, he can still see as read/only the “[OLD] Mike Baggins” associated with that issue comment as the commenter
The question is which of the three paths should “[OLD] Mike Baggins” choose to get that result?
We thought the right answer was “deactivate”.
Now we are worried because we have seen an instance where the creator of an issue comes up as “undefined”
Response from support:
When you remove someone from an Organization, team, or Workspace, any projects or tasks they created or collaborated on will remain intact. Any comments the person made on other tasks will remain, but their name will no longer be clickable and their profile photo will not be visible.
Their private tasks will not be accessible by anyone. Any task that was not private to them will still be available through Search
All of the person’s assigned tasks will go unassigned. It might be a good idea to multi-select the user’s assigned tasks and re-assign them to another user in your space before deprovisioning them to ensure no tasks go unaccounted for.
This scenario applies to either removing someone from an organization or deactivating the account.
Yes. That information is helpful but I need more clarification.
The issue is that an “Admin”, or “Super Admin” is going to need to deactivate some of the individual accounts instead of the user themselves. For example: the “[OLD] Mike Baggins” account.
Is there a way as an Admin or Super admin to get the same result as when an individual user deactivates their account?
Also I should mention that we are in particular trying to avoid is this error: “Deleted user created this task”
Thank you for your patience with all of these questions.
When a superadmin/admin removes members from the organization, they will be automatically deprovisioned and they will still leave a footprint (names, comments, task, project) same thing with what I have mentioned on the previous email.
Same goes if the user deactivates their account.
One more item.
As an admin removing the user, you want to remove the user from the domain, not just from a division within the domain!
Removing them from only your division results in exactly what we do not want!
- leaves the the removed account searchable.
- removes them from the admin console list of users. (I’m not 100% sure of this one and don’t have an account to try it out on.)
This means we need to talk to each user and be sure that they are not in another division in our domain before we remove them.