Guests - Daily Email Notifications?

I have multiple “guests” on my team - that is people who don’t have a company email address as they’re contractors, etc.

Do these people receive a daily morning email no matter what? Only if there are tasks outstanding? Not at all? Trying to figure out the best way to manage them/make sure the items on our list are top of mind/being checked off…

Hi @Athan_Slotkin, thank you for reaching out. That’s correct! Users with this option turned on will receive daily summary emails even if they are Guests of the Organization. These emails will simply tell them:

Their Tasks Due Soon = tasks that are due within the next 5 days.

Their Tasks Recently Assigned = This section will display tasks that were recently assigned to them, regardless of whether the task has a due date or not.

Having said that, they will only receive updates about tasks that they are involved with. They will not see any information about tasks and projects they are not part of.

I hope this helps! :slight_smile:

Is the default option for them to have emails on? Also can admins “force” it back on if needed? :confused:

Hi Vanessa,

This is very helpful. If “tasks due soon” are tasks due within 5 days, what are “recently assigned tasks”? Tasks assigned up to five days ago?
