If a task is mentioned in many other tasks you are no longer able to remove the entry in the “all activity” comments tab. Usually an x button is shown when hovering over the entry saying “Delete story” .
Occured in a task mentioned in +30 different other tasks. I did not track at which number it happened exactly.
@Mirco_Fischer - welcome to the forum! Are you unable to do that for all the entries on that task now? Or just specific ones?
I thought this was related to the change earlier this year that limited users’ ability to remove stories from tasks, but I just checked in my own environment and can still do this for “mentioned in another task” stories (for at least a singular mention). @ambforumleader - anyone have insight on this?
Thank you !
Is it possible I can only remove these entries if also I was the one mentioning the given task ?
If so this feature defenitly feels like a bug nevertheless.
@Mirco_Fischer - ah good thought. Yes, I believe that is the issue (did some light testing on my end). I’m guessing this has something to do with comment stories (and presumably stories associated with those comments) being deletable by the comment author.
I don’t necessarily agree that it’s a “bug” (unexpected behavior) in that context, but can definitely see how it’s a frustrating “feature”. You could consider giving this thread a vote, but I’m not totally sure if that would address this case (since it seems to be tied to comment authorship).
Me too. It just feels odd.
If anything it should be tied to task ownership of the mentioned task. If I mentioned a task I did not ment to mention I can edit my comment. (comment ownership)
Well . Thanks for helping out.
Am I supposed to take some action now ? Ain´t familiar with the usual practice .
@Mirco_Fischer - I renamed your title a bit for specificity and changed it back to a feedback request that is open for voting. The best we can do is use the vote function to lend support (I just did). Asana does regularly monitor this, so hopefully they’ll consider adding it to their roadmap.