[Gmail Add-On] Ability to set default options (Assignee, Project)

Our CEO and their executive assistant use the Gmail Add-On multiple times a day, ferrying messages to various projects for follow-up action. However, there is a lot of repetitive action with this work, e.g. always picking the same assignee, and always going to same project. It would be nice to have a “macro” (ahh, 1993) or “recipe” to shorten the number of clicks for these immutable variables.

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Hi @Eston_Melton, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us! I’ve just slightly updated the title to make it more discoverable for other users and we can gather more votes.

It would be nice so that if we are creating a task via the asana for Gmail plugin, we have the option of not only just choosing the project, but also a specified section within the project list as well. That way we don’t have to manually then go into the project and reorganize the task(s) that we just created.


Hi @Susie_Palmer, thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback!

We do have an existing thread for this feature request in the #productfeedback category so I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with the existing one to consolidate feedback.

I’ll keep you posted and let you know if I have any updates :slight_smile:


Could Asana use dropbox instead of just search for projects in Gmail app ?.

Thank you

The same feauture would be beneficical on the Outlook Plugin.

Hi there! Was this feature added? Thanks!