Get more out of Asana

Hey everyone! Do you love Asana but have some questions about how you can better use it with your specific use case?

This afternoon, my team at Unito is hosting an AMA Webinar on project management tools! You’ll get to talk to our workflow experts to ask all your burning questions on how you can better use the tool you already love!

Register here!


Thanks for sharing @anon3427236! I might have missed the advanced notice on this but aren’t able to attend being on holiday. Will there be a recording or another AMA hosted soon. Unito is something I have been meaning to look into and see this as a good first glance opportunity.

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Hey Jerod, great to hear!

The webinar will be recorded, and embedded in the link I shared. I can share when it is up as well :slight_smile:

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@LEGGO its up! Here :slight_smile:

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:pray: @anon3427236

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Thanks for sharing @anon3427236 :star:

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