'Generate bundle from project' action should apply Bundle to project without creating duplicate sections, rules etc.

Bundles are super powerful and awesome. But one thing has been bugging me for a while - I was almost certain I was doing something wrong… perhaps I still am! Anyway, here goes…

When you click on the ‘Generate bundle from project’ button, it does exactly what it says it does - great! But when you then apply the said bundle to the project that it was generated from, it will create duplicates of sections, rules, task templates and custom fields (if they are NOT previously added to the field library).

I cannot understand this behaviour. One would expect that applying the said bundle would simply ‘take over’ the existing sections, rules, task templates and custom fields of the source project that the bundle was created from, right?

This resulting duplicates are frustrating because you then need to delete all the duplicate one by one; all rules, task templates and custom fields. Then, if you had any tasks in the project, you need to select all tasks within each section and move them into the Bundle’s duplicate section instead (and repeat that for every section).

The same issue happens when applying a Bundle to an existing template - but I can forgive that because the template is not exactly associated with the project that the Bundle was created from, although it potentially could.

It would seem the current workaround would be to:

  1. setup the project with all sections, rules, task templates and custom fields but without any tasks.
  2. Click ‘Generate bundle from project’
  3. Create a new blank project and apply the created bundle to it.
  4. (Delete or archive the original project that the Bundle was generated from)
  5. Proceed to insert tasks into the new blank project (that the bundle is already applied to).
  6. Any further edits in the customize menu (apart from Forms) should be done by editing the Bundle.

Thank you for reading :heart:


Pinging bundles-master @Arthur_BEGOU
What do you think?


We’ve had similar trouble when using Bundles the first time :sweat_smile:

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It’s a bit of a pain, right? Or just awkward behaviour…
I am no developer so I have no idea how complex this would be to fix :person_shrugging:


Thanks @Richard_Sather !!

Yes, that’s feedback I’ve already shared with the product team; l hope they’ll consider an update in that direction.


Hey @Arthur_BEGOU , happy new year mon ami! :champagne:

Quick question:
When you save a project as a template, and that project already includes a bundle, is it normal, for the template that is generated, to NOT include the bundle that was associated to the source project?

When I saved a project as a template, the Bundle was not included, so I had to manually add the Bundle again, which then created duplicate Sections, Rules etc (whatever the Bundle contained) which I then needed to manually delete and clean up! :roll_eyes:

Does this warrant a separate product feedback topic?

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Salut @Richard_Sather :wave::wink:

Indeed, I’ve tested it, and you are right, that’s potentially be a missing piece of the puzzle.

I’ll try to get info from the Product Team and let you know.


Hey @Richard_Sather :wave:

I just had the confirmation from the Product team that this was under their radar, with a high priority.

I’ll keep you posted if I have more info.

Thanks @Arthur_BEGOU !

In keeping with tradition, I’ve created a separate Product Feedback for others to vote on and for the Asana team to keep us updated there. :wink:


This functionality, to force a project to comply with the contents of a bundle, feeds nicely into a way of evolving a working practice instead of having to know up front what you’re going to need. I work with a number of projects that are evolving with regards to their needs from Asana. The way things work now, I have to know first how my work flows, otherwise as I alter the requirements of the projects, overlaying changes to them en masse is not feasible.

Any update on this yet, I just made a separate project to add certain tasks from different projects so my organizations leadership can view progress of certain tasks. It seems that I have to start from scratch in or to have all of the correct fields to carry over. (Which is ALOT of extra clicking. Any insight would be helpful. Thanks

@Arthur_BEGOU I @Richard_Sather
I am currently setting up the project template for our organisation.
Then I realized that this issue exists.

Is there any update to this topic?
Will this be fixed in near future?

I additionally can’t see the “create bundle from project” button, yet.
We are at Enterprise plan and able to create bundles, but not in the way you mentioned.

Isn’t it possible to edit last posts in this forum?

Hi @AlexUCR , Asana do not make their roadmap public but if there are any updates the forum team will post them here.

Until then you need to cleanup manually after your Bundle has been added to existing projects.

The button ‘Generate bundle from project’ has recently moved to the ‘Add’ button in the Customize button, now called ‘Bundle this project’. This is an A/B test so you may have a different variation.

If you still cannot see that button, that’s because you already have a Bundle within that project, so that button gets hidden.

I think you can edit your posts once you are upgraded to a regular forum user. Perhaps the @Forum-team can explain better…?


@Richard_Sather , the hint with the moved button is my solution :slight_smile:
Thank you very much.

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Hi everyone!

@AlexUCR, I’m glad to hear that Richard’s solution has helped (thanks @Richard_Sather).

Regarding post editing, our Forum has a system that adjusts permissions based on your level of participation over time. The more you engage, the more permissions you earn. But I’ve made some adjustments on my end, so you’ll be able to edit your posts going forward. :slight_smile: