Bundles are kept when duplicating projects

This seems strange because this wasn’t the case last week, but when I duplicate a project - the bundle from the original project is being added to the duplicated project. This is posing some issues because I want the bundle to break in order to modify specific rules. Is this a new feature or what is going on?

@Greg_Thumm - I renamed your post and moved to the Tips and Tricks category. I can’t replicate this in my environment; to confirm, you are duplicating a project and not instantiating a new project from a template, right?

I think your best bet is to follow the steps in this post to engage Asana’s support team:

According the the support ticket I made - bundles now apply to projects that are duplicated. This seems like it warrants a bigger announcement within the forum.

@Greg_Thumm - that is odd; I tried this in my own environment this morning and had the previously expected behavior (rules/sections/etc. duplicate but the bundle is not preserved in the new project).

@Vanessa_N - are you aware of any testing or releases that might explain this?

Hi @Stephen_Li and @Greg_Thumm, sorry for the confusion. I’m reaching out to our Developers for more information and will get back to you shortly!

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Here is the correspondence with support:

Hi @Greg_Thumm and @Stephen_Li. I’ve received confirmation from our Product team that this is a feature update being gradually rolled out, which is why users may experience different behaviors. We anticipate having this fully rolled out to all customers soon.

Greg, I’ve passed your feedback on to the Product team, and hope they can add an option in the duplication process to allow users to decide if the bundle will be kept in the duplicate.

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@Vanessa_N Thank you so much - this would be the perfect solution.

If this option was added, it would be great if there were a further selection process whereby the specific bundles (up to 5) from the origin project were selected to be copied over to the duplicate project (rather than just an all-or-nothing approach).

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@Vanessa_N can you also clarify if this selection process is added - where you can choose whether or not to carry bundles over - that the process will be the same as it was (whereby rules will duplicate, just not in bundle form)?

Noted, @Greg_Thumm, thank you. The developers have added this piece of feedback to their list for consideration. I’ll be monitoring it, and if it’s implemented in a future update, I’ll let you know. :slight_smile:

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