🎉 Free Custom Field Templates!

I just added 3 more collections of custom field templates, as a ‘fast follow’ to the release… enjoy! :tada:
You can import these collections to your Asana space via my website, for free, forever!

What other custom fields you would like me to add to the collections? Let me know in the comments or use this form for ease.

:battery: Progress Bars

5 progress bars to indicate the progress of a task. These are based on @lpb’s creative idea, as per his post here.

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Task/Project Duration

This collection includes 4 formula fields which calculate the duration of your tasks in hours or days, as noted in my post here in point 1. You can also add these fields to a portfolio to get more accurate results than the portfolio’s native ‘Duration’ field.

:medal_sports: Ratings & Scores

Various fields which can be used for scoring, either applications, interviews, form submissions, products, clients, companies, vendors etc. Also includes formula fields that convert scores out of 20 to % and vice versa which can be easily modified.